At Camp Wannacombac, we love Leadership opportunities and we offer a couple of different options for AHG girls and LITs to serve during their time at Camp!
AHG unashamedly believes, teaches, and practices Biblical principles throughout its Program and is committed to developing girls’ character and to teaching girls how to apply the truths of God’s Word to every aspect of life. It is the expectation of AHG, Inc. that Girl Members not only subscribe to, but strive to live according to the values represented in the AHG Oath and Creed, to which they agreed when they became a member. With this expectation, it is understood that, just like adults, girls face temptation and are not without sin. Because we all fall short from time to time, it is important that AHG remain a place of grace and truth. Girls, especially during their adolescent years, are trying to determine who they are and how their faith and the culture play into that identity. AHG can serve a critical role in guiding girls toward their identity in Christ. AHG is meant to be a ministry of transformation—a ministry which surrounds girls with godly adults that will offer them sound Biblical advice, encouragement, grace, and truth. AHG, and by extension Camp Wannacombac should be a safe place for girls to navigate the confusion that is today’s moral landscape. Girl Leaders need to be strong in their faith and commit to being a Godly role-model for other girls.
Come Join Junior Staff!
Junior Staff positions are open to 3rd-4th year Patriots.
Camp Wannacombac staff troops get priority, then positions are opened up to other eligible campers and are filled on a first come, first serve basis.
Junior Staff positions include helping with Opening Ceremony, Flag Detail, Kitchen Server, Kitchen Cleanup, Badge Workshop Assistant, Canteen Assistant and Evening Activities.
Patriots interested in a Junior Staff position must have previously attended Camp Wannacombac and received a level award in their Troop, at the Explorer, Pioneer or Patriot level.
Girls may opt to attend 1 week as a Jr. Staffer and the alternate week as a Camper. Please Note: Girls may NOT stay over the weekend on Camp Wannacombac premises . Girls will need to make other arrangements for the weekend.
Eligible applicants must be striving to live out their faith in alignment with the Bible and AHG Creed and receive a letter of recommendation from their Troop Coordinator/Vice Coordinator or Unit Leader. There will be a mandatory virtual meeting for all Jr. Staff in late May.
It is crucial that all girls read and understand the Camp Wannacombac Behavior policy specific to your role. Your selection in a leadership role sets an example for other girls. Campers serving in a leadership position that do not adhere to or reflect the policy will be asked to step down from their position.
Come Serve as an LIT 🔥 LITs are YAMs of AHG who are between the ages of 18, 19, and 20! Team Player: LITs are a very important part of Leadership at Camp Wannacombac. As an LIT at camp, you will be able to experience a unique level of leadership that you would not receive within a troop setting. You will also be provided the opportunity to meet with AHG leaders from other areas, allowing you to see how troops from all over carry out the different facets of AHG. You may also solicit feedback from the Junior Staff to assist camp staff in areas of best practices and areas of improvement.
Servant Leadership: LITs, along with Junior Staff, are at camp to serve - filling in where needed, running errands, helping the lost camper (yes, it happens), making sandwiches, organizing flag ceremonies, running evening activities, etc.. All of these tasks should be approached with joy and boundless enthusiasm.
The goal of a leadership program that focuses on Christ-centered character development is to establish young leaders who are called to servant-leaders. You are called to lead: * with humility * by example * with integrity * with enthusiasm * with purpose * by following Christ
Evaluations: Mrs. Darlene and Ms. Bentley will take every opportunity during camp to encourage the LITs and Junior Staff team collectively and individually. Correction of behavior or duty implementation may be needed at times. This is a powerful opportunity for you to learn leadership skills and for Mrs. Darlene and Ms. Bentley to offer wisdom and guidance. Evaluation is important to the success of next year’s camp and to the next leadership opportunity you encounter. Having daily evaluation is a way to determine if task assignments are appropriate, communication is effective, and schedules are adequate. A thorough evaluation will take place soon after camp closes.
The Camp Director and AHG Camp Staff will ask for feedback on each LIT and the Junior Staff team as a whole. The AHG Camp Staff will decide if feedback on LIT performance will be solicited from other adult volunteers. You will be made aware of the feedback, which will assist you in your leadership development. LITs will also have the opportunity to evaluate their experience.
Please Note: LITs planning to serve both weeks will need to find other accommodations for the weekend between Camp Weeks. We can only house Staff and their family members on Camp Premises when camp is not in session. If this will create a hardship, LIT's may request to stay at the Camp at the discretion of Camp Wannacombac Staff. If approved, LITs must provide their own food for Saturday and Sunday, and must use the Laundry at the main AH Stephens Park Laundry Facilities. To request to stay, please email [email protected] and put LIT Weekend Stay in the Subject Line.
Once registering for an LIT position, you will receive an email with more information about the role and forms that need to be filled out and returned to Darlene Bourque at
From all of us on the AHG Camp Wannacombac Staff, we look forward to serving with you!
It is crucial that all girls read and understand the Camp Wannacombac Behavior policy specific to your role. Your selection in a leadership role sets an example for other girls. Campers serving in a leadership position that do not adhere to or reflect the policy will be asked to step down from their position.